Induction-Deduction-Abduction Framework for Artificial Intelligence

A new framework to think about A(G)I more systematically

I feel like we need a new framework to think about A(G)I more systematically. While it is true that there are already some frameworks to consider, such as Juergen Schimidhoober's Godel Machine, Marcus Hutter's AIXI, and Karl Friston's Bayesian Brain (with free energy principle), I tend to feel unsatisfied with all of these existing approaches. Of course, this tells nothing about the correctness and elegance of these frameworks or their disadvantages. My main goal is not to disprove any of these frameworks but rather to build my own that (almost) fully satisfies my (right or wrong) intentions with the framework. The reason that I am not satisfied with the existing frameworks could actually be because I haven't fully read any of them, and therefore, I am probably missing lots of insights and details that are already present in the existing approaches. Maybe I wouldn't even feel the need to come up with my own framework if I was fully aware of the existing ones published by the other serious scientists. But I have always been more keen to build stuff on my own than reading about them on the internet. Before moving forward with the blog post further, I would still like to give a brief overview of my understanding of some of the existing frameworks.

Brief Literature Review

Godel machine [1,2] has been proposed by J. Schmidhuber as a self-referential universal improver that is able to change its own functioning (i.e., program) whenever it can prove that the new modifications result in a better performance. Since it is making modifications only when the consequences are provable, it is also subject to the Godel's incompleteness theorem which roughly states that any sound formal system cannot prove its completeness and vice versa. So, a Godel macinhine may encounter with a certain modification that is indeed a better modification but unprovable by the machine itself, and therefore, omitting the modification. While I find this idea of Godel machines attractive at the first glance, I feel like there is a lot of stuff hidden in the selection of a formal system to begin with, the proof procedure, and the linking between the "outside world" and the "inside world" of an agent. In my current opinion, this appraoch may not be able to explain (the emergence of) some natural human behaviors that I would like to have explanations for.

AIXI [3] proposed by M. Hutter is another formalization for universal artificial intelligence which is considered to be the ultimate AI whose performance is not surpassable by any other. However, there is a little catch: AIXI is not computable. There exists computable (and thus limited) versions of AIXI (e.g., AIXItl), but there is something about this whole formalization that kinda makes me nervous. Even though AIXI might be the ultimate AI, its core working principle to become the ultimate AI is to use a reinforcement learning (RL) agent that iterates every possible Turing Machine (TM) that fits the past observations and predicts the best action to maximize its future rewards. For me, who hasn't read the theory fully (but I have seen the official one-line summary), this seems like calling the brute force algorithm the ultimate god. Although it is indeed true, it absolutely and definitely fails to attract my attention.

Bayesian Brain [4] is a hypothesis about how the human brains work. It essentially claims that our brains do some sort of (approximate) Bayesian inference to predict future and do planning. The objective of such a Bayesian Brain is to minimize the free energy [5] which describes the surprise in the predictions of the brain. An agent with such a brain would have an internal states, perceptual and action states both of which act like a Markov blanket separating the agent from its environment. One can view the process of updating these states as a belief propagation process where the probabilities of past hypotheses being true are updated according to the Baye's inference rules. Since this could be computationally intractable, one could try to do approximate inference instead. This approach to the brain is very appealing, but again I have yet to see a (deeper and richer) structure that can answer many questions about human behaviors.

Forms of Reasoning


Inductive reasoning [6] is a form of reasoning in philosophy and logic in which one derives generalizations from a set of observations. This form of reasoning does not guarantee the soundness of the generalizations derived from the observations. For example, having observed that "I get gifts for my birthday" for every birthday as an 8 years-old kid, the kid may conclude that the gifts will never cease showing up in the doorstep until the time of death. While this might be true, there is also a higher chance that 8 will be the number that the kid is going to remember as the last birthday party gift till (s)he dies. The point is, there is no guarantees in this bussiness.


Deductive reasoning [7] is a form of reasoning in which one provably derives conclusions from a set of premises accepted as true. Unlike inductive and abductive reasoning, deductive reasoning guarantees the soundness of the conclusions since it follows rigorous mathematical logical rules to derive them from the premises. It is also well-known that even mathematical induction is actually deduction under the surface because it posseses mathematical rigour to "induce" (actually deduce) new statements as well. For example, from the premises "if A is true then B is true." and "A is true." one can provably derive another true statement which is "B is true."


Abductive reasoning [8] is a form of reasoning in which one derives explanation(s) for a set of observations. Like induction, abduction also fails to guarantee the soundness of the derived explanations. For example, the previously 8 years-old kid may come up with a fitting explanation for not receiving any gifts in his/her 9th birthday. The explanation could be something like "They don't see me as a little kid anymore and that's why I didn't get any gifts.", but in reality it could as harsh as "Everyone hated the kid from the beginning but this time they refused to waste money." The point is, happy endings only happen in movies. No, the point actually is, there is no guarantees in this business either.

Induction-Deduction-Abduction (IDA) Framework for A(G)I

The Induction-Deduction-Abduction (IDA) framework is the result of one of my several attempts to recreate human-like behaviors in an artificial system by having a systematic way of answering questions related to natural phenomena and patterns in human behaviors. The IDA framework is far from perfect and complete, and in fact, this blog post should be considered as the first public draft on the development of the framework. Without prolonging the post too much, let's see what it is all about.

It is actually very simple and kinda obvious to begin with: humans generalize, humans reason, and humans solve problems. The first step of this never-ending cyclic pipeline is "observe and generalize" where generalization means the ability of coming up with (useful) abstractions; such abstractions should ideally be useful for reasoning and problem solving later on but I'll keep this discussion for later. The second step is reasoning in which humans use previously acquired genralizations and abstractions to reason about different situations and hopefully predict the future. The third and final step is problem solving which makes humans become goal-driven in the real world by being able to solve problems to reach their desired states (here I'll assume that the root goal is always provided by an alien 8 years-old kid).

IDA Framework in a nutshell
Figure 1. IDA framework in a nutshell.

As depicted in figure 1 above, the induction step takes us from having sensory inputs (e.g., visual, audio, etc.) to a bunch of abstractions that describe the concepts and relations present in the inputs. The deduction step lets us use these abstract rules (i.e., concepts and relations) with assumptions (i.e., input data or an observation) to deduce new relations (and maybe even new concepts). The abduction step uses those deductions and checks if our assumptions in the deduction phase was sound and complete for reaching goal states (i.e., a set of concepts and/or relations); if not, then the assumptions are updated accordingly and the process repeats until some termination criterion (e.g., solution is found, time limit exceeded, etc.).

IDA Roles
Figure 2. Roles of Induction, Deduction, and Abduction.

Figure 2 illustrates the roles of different reasoning forms. First, rules of a logical system are provided by induction, then facts are derived by using deduction, and finally, the assumptions/premises are corrected if the deduced facts are not the desired ones. This figure clearly demonstrates the importance of each reasoning form to reproduce main cognitive tasks that humans are capable of doing consciously. It also lets us better understand the root(s) of potential problems that may arise after deploying the system to the wild. Well, if it helps us to understand the cause of problems, it can also help the system itself to "understand" it. 

Cyclic IDA Pipeline
Figure 3. Cyclic IDA Pipeline.

Figure 3 demonstrates what each step adds to the table for the next step(s), i.e., induction provides the rules for deduction and deduction provides the reasoning for abduction. It also shows how each step identifies problems and reports back to the previous step, i.e., abduction complains about the impossibility of reaching to desired goal states or conclusions to deduction (because abduction uses deduction to conclude new statements and adjust the assumptions according, if no such assumptions are found to reach to the conclusions that are known to be reachable in reality, then abduction rightfully suspects that it is the deduction process that goes wrong) and deduction complains about its wrong predictions to induction (because deduction use rules provided by induction, if a deduced fact does not match with the ground truth given some possibly arbitrary assumptions, then it knows that the rules must have been induced wrong).

It is worth mentioning that there is a little bit of abduction present in the induction hidden under the surface. At the end of the day, it feels like induction and abduction may have no crispy clear distinction in reality since doing induction to acquire general principles governing the given observations is the same as doing abduction over the same observations in which the assumptions to be adjusted are the general principles, and doing abduction to acquire an explanation is the same as doing induction where the general principles found can be considered as the explanation itself. Although the line between induction and abduction can get blurry as we just saw, the distinction is usually more intuitive when we think of abduction working on the assumption/data side (leftmost part in figure 2) and induction working on the rule/function side (middle part in figure 2) as depicted in figure 2. But again, since a piece of data can be seen as a function and any function can be seen as a piece of data, we could use algorithms developed for either one of these reasoning forms to aid the other.

Questioning the capabilities of the IDA framework

Before diving deep into the development of the IDA framework, one needs to ask whether it seems to be worth it or there are already some very hard "impossible-to-bypass" barriers in front of the framework. For me, one of the such barriers would be lacking computational power to perform a Turing complete computation. Luckily, the framework is so general that it captures any arbitrary Turing complete computation. For example, let's take the BSAT [9] problem and ask ourselves how on Earth a BSAT problem can be solved within the IDA framework. The answer is simple: it is going to be solved by the abduction, essentially by indefinite repetitions of adjusting the boolean variable assignments that are also the assumptions for the problem solution. Now, one can imagine the power of abduction step in the framework since the abduction is the process of finding fitting assumptions (by possibly using a SAT solver) and any candidate solution to any given problem can be and is considered as a set of assumptions (if the candidate solution is proven to be correct then it also means that the assumptions found by the abduction are the fitting ones). Having said this, we can now start concerning about other potential problems with the framework.

Humans are capable of quickly learning from their obvious mistakes by presumably some sort of a strong self-reinforcement. How is such kind of behavior present in the IDA framework? This behavior can be reproduced by the abduction by using a conflict-driven constraint solver (CDCL) [10]. What a typical CDCL does is that it mines information whenever the given boolean expression becomes unsatisfiable by the current boolean assignments and it adds the mined/learned information to the boolean expression as a boolean clause to be satisfied along with the original one.

Humans are capable of setting new subgoals while trying to fulfill the original goal. How can a reasonably similar behavior be reproduced within the IDA framework? The answer involves the abduction again. A SAT solver could be configured to do a reverse search (or reverse propagation) to satisfy the expression. It is very much like doing a search to solve a maze but instead of starting from the starting position, you start searching from the maze exit. Starting from the exit point semantically means that at each step we are setting a subgoal point to reach from the starting position. So, the notion of setting subgoals emerges from backtracking and reverse search employed by a search/abduction algorithm.

How does the induction output (useful) abstract concepts and relations from the raw sensory data and how do different levels of abstractions emerge in the process? We know that humans are capable of working with different levels of abstractions; math is the obvious elephant in the room in this case. I suspect that the answer may involve some sort of "recursive pattern mining" strategy, but I am not fully certain how this would work out. So, this is more of an open question for me right now and as the framework progresses further, finding an answer to this question will probably be very crucial. I will not discuss this matter further in this post.

Building IDA-based AI System

All three steps of the IDA framework is somewhat independent of one another in a sense that one can start building one without needing to build the other. However, to support such separation in the development process, one also needs to set a rigorous specification for each step carefully so that what is expected to be received from and sent to other modules (i.e., any two of induction, deduction, and abduction) is known during the development. As the first draft of the system's components, I currently have roughly the following picture in my mind: we can assume that the abduction part will be implemented by modifying some existing SAT solver, decution by modifying some sort of (fuzzy) logic reasoner, and induction by using dynamically growable neural networks + possibly some sort of inductive logic programming. 

What I would like to do before trying to implement algorithms is to have test cases covering the most common and/or simple behavioral patterns first. To test each phase separately, (1) we could expect the induction module to take a video as an input and generate some sort of a knowledge graph (but probably a bit more advanced and expressive than simple knowledge graphs) as an output, (2) we could expect the deduction module to take a knowledge graph (KG) and make it much denser, (3) we could expect the abduction module to take a dense KG and a goal state given as a boolean expression and generate a sequence of actions to reach the goal state as an output.


Induction-Deduction-Abduction (IDA) framework is a framework to think about A(G)I more systematically by using different forms of reasoning for explaining some of the natural human behaviors in perceiving and generalizing, reasoning, and problem solving. The framework is still on its early stage, so it is far from being complete and it is not, by any means, perfect. This being said, the IDA framework leverages inductive reasoning to generate abstractions and hence generalize from the raw observations or perceptions of the system, deductive reasoning to make (crisp and/or fuzzy) predictions, abductive reasoning for solving problems and achieving goals. As one moves a finger from Induction through Deduction to Abduction within the framework, it should feel like gradually switching from fast type-1 thinking to slow type-2 thinking in Daniel Kahneman's terms [11].

Unlike current deep learning models (e.g., large language models or LLMs), this framework does not suffer from bounded computation when trying to solve problems with higher algorithmic complexity. Abduction, the third step of the framework's pipeline, employs a kind of SAT solver to tackle problems. This means that it could keep computing indefinitely, if needed, to solve a complex problem. Having a check mark on the computational unboundedness is a great advantage both in theory and practice. Although the framework may seem like a bit sexier after knowing this, there are tons of lacking aspects and unanswered questions that need a serious work.

Artificial neural networks can have a certain utility when it comes to implementing some parts of an IDA-based AI system, but I also do think that they could easily turn out to be very limited in terms of what they can do within the framework. This may sound controversial in nowadays standards where there are already tons of people believing that LLMs are the AGI, however, those claims start to seem very anectodal when you think about how the LLMs actually work and even ask them simple out-of-distribution questions. Good luck scaling, scalers! Good luck prompting, prompters! Good luck promoting, promoters! Good luck advertising something that doesn't exist yet, advertisers!

Table of Contents

  1. IDA Framework for AI $\leftarrow$ you are here
  2. IDA Framework: How to do Induction (not available yet)
  3. IDA Framework: How to do Deduction (not available yet)
  4. IDA Framework: How to do Abduction (not available yet)
  5. IDA Framework: Memory Management (not available yet)
  6. IDA Framework: Communication Protocol (not available yet)


  1. Schmidhuber, J. (2007). Gödel Machines: Fully Self-referential Optimal Universal Self-improvers. Artificial General Intelligence. 
  2. Steunebrink, B.R., & Schmidhuber, J. (2012). Towards an Actual Gödel Machine Implementation: a Lesson in Self-Reflective Systems. 
  3. Hutter, M. (2005). Universal Artificial Intelligence: Sequential Decisions based on Algorithmic Probability 
  4. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, September 16). Bayesian approaches to brain function. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:38, October 10, 2024 
  5. Friston, K.J. (2010). The free-energy principle: a unified brain theory? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11, 127-138. 
  6. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, September 18). Inductive reasoning. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:13, October 3, 2024 
  7. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, September 20). Deductive reasoning. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:15, October 3, 2024 
  8. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, September 30). Abductive reasoning. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:15, October 3, 2024 
  9. Wikipedia contributors. (2024, July 3). Boolean satisfiability problem. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:35, October 3, 2024 
  10. Marques-Silva, J., Lynce, I., & Malik, S. (2021). Conflict-Driven Clause Learning SAT Solvers. Handbook of Satisfiability. 
  11. Kahneman, Daniel. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow . London: Penguin Books.


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