Welcome To My Blog!

Hi! 👋

My name is Ali Khudiyev and this is my personal blog. I love thinking about stuff and solving problems. I love math although I suck at it. I have an undergraduate degree from CS (I have played CS more than I have spent my time on my classes as a good CS student would do) and I have recently completed my master's degree from DSAI (I haven't been able to find a game called that, but an alternative has been Minecraft). I plan to share several types/categories of posts here, however, I may do whatever I want to do since this blog is not one of my shitty university projects:

  • Proofs for Fun (#proof for fun)
  • My findings (#finding)
  • Just fun (#just fun)
  • Other (#other)

If something doesn't look right while reading a post, please do not hesitate to contact me; so that, I would take and use that feedback for fine-tuning my neural network. I hope you'll enjoy reading some of my posts!

PS: When I get bored, I may delete some stuff. So, if this blog suddenly disappears then you will know what was going on.


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