Background. When I was high schooling at TDV-BTL (Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı - Bakü Türk Lisesi), I happened to be thinking about functions and their properties during the 10/11$^\text{th}$ grade(s). I was mainly thinking about what happens when we change the formula of a function a little bit; do its outputs completely change by large offset or is it predictable what the function looked like before changing its formula syntactically just by looking at its new inputs and outputs? One day something interesting occurred to me as I was playing with arbitrary linear and quadratic functions - when I fixed the inputs and outputs on a table vertically, so that the (euclidean) difference between each successive input was the same, the consequent differences in the Y column did not change after some iteration, no matter how many rows(i.e., data points or x and y pairs) I added to the table as long as I respected the same-successive-difference rule on X column. For linear functions, I just observe...
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