A Student's C Book: 1.4. Control Flow
Level 1. Introduction to C 1.4. Control Flow Branching is a strategy to make perfect plans in the imperfect or incomplete world. The control flow of a program execution is the path of sequential instructions the computer executes while running the program. So far, you have seen a linear and non-branching control flow where the computer executes each instruction in the main() function. However, we can change this behavior and make the computer sometimes skip some instructions or decide between multiple execution paths depending on some conditions. Before moving to the next section, I would like to mention one thing about a new data type you will need to keep in mind for this tutorial. The new data type I would like to introduce is the boolean or bool type. The boolean type is used to represent logical truth values, such as true and false . All conditional expressions (e.g., 3 < 5 , 4 > 4 , and so on) in C are evaluated to one of these boolean values. ...